Calder Guitar Case Story Ch 8 First 3D Models
Sept/Oct 04
Too many words in the last two post - this one's briefer with some pix.
In Nashville I'd promised a prototype guitar case by Sept/Oct. Back in the UK reality kicked in - too many decisions to be made - final shape , materials, suspension system etc. Ok so focus on detailed model-making and launch the Calder R&D website to keep distributors warm.
Designer Michael Mailling carved a full size model in blue foam - looked as good as the CAD images. Here's Michael looking proud of his baby, and some other pix.

I showed the blue model to a UK distributor - a big Scotsman - his response '...the most exciting thing I've seen in years...'
Michael produced some half size models in black - very cool.

Michael refined half size model - with a more dramatic sculpted line across the case. Here's some of his sketches and the final model.

Nov 04
Went to the Music Live, Birmingham (England). Showed both black and blue models. Distributors v enthusiastic. Their message - 'good work - now show us a prototype that works'.
Part of me feels the more sculpted look is too slick for rock guitarists to buy into. I wonder if the plainer look of the earlier black model might be better. Any comments on this? Let me have them.
One big suprise at Birmingham. 'I see you're in production' said one distributor 'No' I replied. 'Well there's a case just like yours here.' 'Oh really' say I - and hot foot to where he pointed. Here's 3 v. low rez shots grabbed with my Sony Ericcson.

The maker is Simon Farmer who ownsGus Guitars . This is his $13,000 10th Anniversary Limited Edition guitar and case. Amazing that from his unusual guitar he arrived at a case so close to ours. I was a little choked to find my shape was not as unique as I'd believed - but also pleased to see how good his prototype looked.
categories: early development
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Too many words in the last two post - this one's briefer with some pix.
In Nashville I'd promised a prototype guitar case by Sept/Oct. Back in the UK reality kicked in - too many decisions to be made - final shape , materials, suspension system etc. Ok so focus on detailed model-making and launch the Calder R&D website to keep distributors warm.
Designer Michael Mailling carved a full size model in blue foam - looked as good as the CAD images. Here's Michael looking proud of his baby, and some other pix.

I showed the blue model to a UK distributor - a big Scotsman - his response '...the most exciting thing I've seen in years...'
Michael produced some half size models in black - very cool.

Michael refined half size model - with a more dramatic sculpted line across the case. Here's some of his sketches and the final model.

Nov 04
Went to the Music Live, Birmingham (England). Showed both black and blue models. Distributors v enthusiastic. Their message - 'good work - now show us a prototype that works'.
Part of me feels the more sculpted look is too slick for rock guitarists to buy into. I wonder if the plainer look of the earlier black model might be better. Any comments on this? Let me have them.
One big suprise at Birmingham. 'I see you're in production' said one distributor 'No' I replied. 'Well there's a case just like yours here.' 'Oh really' say I - and hot foot to where he pointed. Here's 3 v. low rez shots grabbed with my Sony Ericcson.

The maker is Simon Farmer who ownsGus Guitars . This is his $13,000 10th Anniversary Limited Edition guitar and case. Amazing that from his unusual guitar he arrived at a case so close to ours. I was a little choked to find my shape was not as unique as I'd believed - but also pleased to see how good his prototype looked.
categories: early development
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